Respiratory problems (sneezing, sinusitis, asthma, infection) are some of the adverse effects of living with dirty air ducts. Isolated health issues might occur, but those problems may worsen as you delay to having your air ducts cleaned. Pollutants amassing in the ducts might eventually increase the frequency of illness in a household or workplace — and the recovery time much longer.


The moisture in air ducts enhances mold and mildew growth.

Mold and mildew can emit bad odors, which makes an environment unpleasant. However, there are more serious problems associated with their growth. They can cause structural damage, which can send harmful substances (like particulate matter) and gases airborne. They also release spores that can cause allergic reactions and infection.


Dust and dirt can accumulate and clog the filter.

Dust can lead to filter blockage, affecting airflow and resulting in “stuffy air” and lowered air quality. There are a number of health problems associated with dust, including inflammation, respiratory problems, eye irritation, and allergic reactions.


Air ducts that haven’t been inspected may be housing pests.

Household pests (spiders, cockroaches, and rodents) can make their way into your air ducts and take up residence there.

  • Cockroaches can leave droppings, cast offs, and other allergen-filled annoyances which can trigger skin allergies and asthma attacks. If left unchecked, the insects may multiply and infest your living or business area.
  • Spiders, fortunately, are solitary creatures that keep to themselves. Unfortunately, some spider bites can cause huge welts and rashes, and might be dangerous to a person with a compromised immune system.
  • Rodents (mice and rats), when allowed to run through your air ducts, can cause serious property damage. They are also hosts to bacteria; breathing dust that has had contact with rodent feces and urine can make you ill.


Pollen can enter air ducts.

Allergic rhinitis is a common allergic reaction and is often associated with the inhalation of pollen. More commonly known as ”hay fever,” allergic rhinitis can present itself with the following symptoms:

  • Violent sneezing
  • Itchy nose, throat, and/or eyes
  • Clogged or runny nose
  • Coughing
  • Increased ear pressure
  • Fatigue


Disturbs your peace of mind.

Bad odors and stuffy, foul air can take adversely affect comfort and peace of mind. This can lead to an inability to concentrate, insomnia, anxiety, headaches and other issues that affect your lifestyle.

Don’t leave your health and wellness to chance. Keep the air you breathe safe and pollutant-free. Invest in cleaner, healthier, and more breathable air — and maintain your air duct system at the same time.